Méndez Barquero, Juan2022-09-172022-09-172018-02http://hdl.handle.net/11056/23928La reciente opinión consultiva OC-24/17 emitida por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) sobre las obligaciones estatales en relación con el cambio de nombre, identidad de género y derechos derivados del vínculo entre parejas del mismo sexo, ha sido objeto de un amplio debate, crítica y escrutinio público a lo largo de todo el continente americano, tanto por quienes adversan tal decisión como por quienes celebramos su contenido en todos sus extremos, en el tanto representa un avance de gran trascendencia en la promoción y defensa de derechos humanos de minorías históricamente discriminadas por su orientación sexual e identidad de géneroThe recent advisory opinion OC-24/17 issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) on the State obligations in relation to the change of name, gender identity and rights derived from the identity and rights derived from the relationship between same-sex couples, has been the subject of extensive debate has been the subject of extensive debate, and public scrutiny throughout the Americas, both by those who throughout the Americas, both by those who oppose by those who oppose such a decision and by those who and by those who celebrate its content in all its extremes, insofar as it represents an advance of great transcendence in the of great transcendence in the promotion and human rights of minorities historically discriminated historically discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.spaAcceso abiertoCOSTA RICARELACIONES INTERNACIONALESCOSTA RICAINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSDebate e (im)precisiones en torno a la opinión consultiva de la CIDHhttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_998f