Rodríguez Vargas, Nuria2021-06-112021-06-112019-010252-8479 presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar experiencias y aprendizajes en torno a la literatura infantil latinoamericana por medio de dos talleres diri-gidos a docentes de I y II Ciclos de la Educación Básica del Sistema Educativo Público de Costa Rica, en los circuitos de la ciudad de Heredia durante el año 2017. Se trató de acercar al docente a la literatura infantil latinoamericana, mediante la lectura y análisis de diferentes obras narrativas. Las obras son representativas de diferentes períodos, contextos históricos, sociopolíticos y culturales de nuestro continente. De esta manera, se desarrolló la capacidad crítica, la identificación con valores regionales y el rescate de la memoria his-tórica latinoamericana a partir del mundo mostrado de las obras.The goal of this study is to present experiences and lessons on Latin Ameri-can children's literature by means of two workshops for teachers of I and II cycles of the general basic education of the public education system in Costa Rica, in the city of Heredia during 2017. The approach was to familiarize the teacher with the Latin American children's literature through reading and analysis of several narrative works. These works are representative of sev-eral periods, and socio-political and cultural contexts in our continent. Thus, we tried to develop an ability to criticize, as well as an identification with regional values and with the rescue of the Latin American historical memory from the world shown in the works.spaAcceso abierto INFANTILCHILDREN'S LITERATURETALLERES EDUCACIONALESLATIN AMERICAN LITERATUREAPRENDIZAJECRITICA LITERARIALITERATURA LATINOAMERICANALITERARY CRITICISMDERECHOS HUMANOSHUMAN RIGHTSExperiencias didácticas mediante la literatura infantil latinoamericanaTeaching Experiences through Latin American Children's Literature